

Scientific Committee

Ammeen Edward S. - USA
Ricard Rodriguez-Martos Dauer - SPAIN
Francesc Xavier Martin Ez De Oses - SPAIN
Boyan Mednikarov - BULGARIA
Anzalone G.- Italy
Carlos Perez-Labajos, SPAIN
Adam Weintrit - POLAND
Ebling G. - The Netherlands
Esteban S. - Spain
Frangopoulos C. - Greece
Babineau G.- USA
Maturana F - USA
Murchie A. Lt Cdr - UK
Neerincx M.A. -The Netherlands
Nguyen T. - USA
Discenzo F.- USA
Byeong-Deok Yea - KOREA
Dmitry Zhukov - UKRAINE
Giron-Sierra J.M. - Spain
Hebner R. -USA
Jatskevich J.- Canada
Orlovsky M. - USA
Prousalidis J. - Greece
Ioannides I.- Greece
Ramírez A. - USA
Ramos-Hernandez D.- UK
Thompson H.A. - UK
Van der Ploeg B. The Netherlands

Bulletin Board


The organizing committee is accepting papers and special session proposals.


WSEAS Main Site

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