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S. A. Gaponov
A. N. Semenov

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S. A. Gaponov
A. N. Semenov

WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music

Print ISSN: 1109-9577

Volume 4, 2017

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Volume 4, 2017

Numerical Simulation of the Sound Waves Interaction with a Supersonic Boundary Layer

AUTHORS : S. A. Gaponov, A. N. Semenov

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ABSTRACT : In the paper on the basis of the direct numerical simulation the supersonic flow around of the infinitely thin plate which was perturbed by the acoustic wave was investigated. Calculations carried out in the case of small perturbations at the Mach number M=2 and Reynold’s numbers Re<600. Two types of acoustic waves were investigated: sliding (φ=0), two dimensional incident waves (χ=0). It is established that the velocity perturbation amplitude within the boundary layer is greater than the amplitude of the external acoustic wave in several times. At the small sliding and incidence angles the velocity perturbations amplitude increased monotonously with Reynold’s numbers. At rather great values of these angles there are maxima in dependences of the velocity perturbations amplitude on the Reynold’s number. At the fixed Reynolds's number and frequency there are critical values of the sliding and incidence angles at which the disturbances excited by a sound wave are maxima. The oscillations exaltation in the boundary layer by the sound wave more efficiently if the plate is irradiated from above.

KEYWORDS : supersonic boundary layer, establishing method, acoustic waves, interaction, receptivity, numerical simulations

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WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9577 / , Volume 4, 2017, Art. #3, pp. 21-26

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