AUTHORS: Hoai An Le Thi, Thi Thuy Tran, Tao Pham Dinh
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, we consider a wireless network where a source tries to send messages to a destination while keeping them secret from multiple eavesdroppers. To enhance secrecy, the transmission is performed with a cooperation of friendly jammers which make artificial noise to confound eavesdroppers and beamforming technique to direct jamming signal to intended targets. The purpose is to determine beamforming coefficients in order to maximize secrecy rate under the total jammer power constraint. The existing method solved this problem in a special case in which the beamforming coefficients were designed to completely eliminate jamming signal at the destination and a heuristic approach was applied to obtain a suboptimal solution for this case. We address this problem via a new approach based on DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming and DCA (DC Algorithm). We first reformulate this problems as a general DC program, i.e. minimizing a DC function under some DC constraints, and develop a DCA based algorithm for solving it. The experimental results show that the secrecy rate obtained by the proposed algorithm is better than those achieved by the existing one.
KEYWORDS: Cooperative Jamming, Beamforming, Physical Layer Security, DC programming and DCA
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