AUTHORS: Bhawna Singla, A. K. Verma, L. R. Raheja
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ABSTRACT: Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a combination of three words mobile means that are able to change their position + adhoc means temporary and network means autonomous collection of nodes. MANET is the subcategory of wireless network i.e. collection of nodes over wireless communication medium where all the node are capable to change their position so that topology of network keeps on changing. Routing protocol determines the route from source node to destination node. Adhoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol is a type of reactive routing protocol that determines the route whenever there is a requirement. However MANETs are vulnerable to number of attacks due to such as lack of centralized infrastructure, wireless medium and dynamic topology. In general, attacks can be categorized as active attack and passive attack depending on whether it’s intention is to monitor the traffic or to cause damage to the network. Specifically, in this paper blackhole attack , wormhole attack and selfish node attack are being observed on AODV routing protocol. Selfish node attack is caused by selfish node that selfishly stops forwarding of packet and blackhole and wormhole attacks are caused by malicious node. This paper presents introduction of all these attacks and then it analyzes the performance of AODV under these attacks. The comparative analysis of these attacks is done with the help of NS2 simulation in terms of: cumulative sum of packets, throughput, end-to-end delay. The packet Ids of all the dropped packets are also plotted. Moreover, optimal packet size for the maximum throughput is also observed.
KEYWORDS: AODV, blackhole, wormhole, selfish, throughput, end-to-end delay, packet size
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