AUTHORS: Rodolfo A. Fiorini
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ABSTRACT: Contemporary approaches to data compression vary in time delay or impact on application performance as well as in the amount of compression and loss of data. The very best modern lossless data compression algorithms use standard approaches and are unable to match spacetime high end requirements for mission critical application, with full information conservation (a few pixels may vary by com/decom processing). Advanced instrumentation, dealing with nanoscale technology at the current edge of human scientific enquiry, like X-Ray CT, generates an enormous quantity of data from single experiment. In previous papers, we have already shown that traditional Q Arithmetic can be regarded as a highly sophisticated open logic, powerful and flexible bidirectional formal language of languages, according to “Computational Information Conservation Theory” (CICT). This new awareness can offer competitive approach to guide more convenient, spatiotemporal lossless compression algorithm development and application. To test practical implementation performance and effectiveness on biomedical imaging, this new technique has been benchmarked by normalized spatiotemporal key performance index, and compared to well-known, standard lossless compression techniques.
KEYWORDS: Lossless Compression, Arithmetic Geometry, Computed Tomography, X-rays, Biomedical Imaging, Compressed Sensing, Biomedical Cybernetics, Biomedical Engineering, Public Health, Healthcare
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