AUTHORS: R. Meenakshi, C. Hemanth, R. Menaka
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ABSTRACT: embedded devices have been proposed and implemented for long term Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring which can be either a recording system only used to acquire, store and transmit signals while consuming huge energy or an analyzing system which detects and extract required information and transmits this information but does not retain signals/time history for further diagnosis. Long term monitoring devices need a hybrid of both these systems. The architecture and design of long term ECG monitoring devices is a trade-off of a number of intertwined factors not limited to user convenience (lightweight, non-interference with day to day activities, free movement), Energy efficiency, reliability and cost while ensuring safety. However, all long-term ECG monitoring devices fundamentally need to have an embedded effective and efficient filtering and detection scheme which ensures high reliability of detection and energy efficiency. This paper surveys and summarizes primary research work in the area of filtering and detection of ECG signals in the context of reliable and energy efficient long term ECG monitoring.
KEYWORDS: ECG monitoring, ECG analysis, Energy efficiency, Transmission, Filtering, Detection, Denoising, Ventricular fibrillation
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