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Yumi Takizawa
Atsushi Fukasawa

Author(s) and WSEAS

Yumi Takizawa
Atsushi Fukasawa

WSEAS Transactions on Communications

Print ISSN: 1109-2742
E-ISSN: 2224-2864

Volume 18, 2019

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64-Antenna Array for Circular Polarization with Smoothed Routing Wires and Grounded Square Collar

AUTHORS: Yumi Takizawa, Atsushi Fukasawa

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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a novel configuration of circular polarization array with 64 unit antennas. A novel configurations of a single antenna is presented first. Then a 4-antenna array is given based on orthogonal arrangement and smoothed routing wire for feeding. Then, 64-antenna array is given by the above 4-antenna and 16-antenna arrays which are settled in four quadrants. Grounded square collar is newly proposed at the peripheral of the array. This collar eliminates cross-sectional radiation and enhances the forward directive gain effectively. Extremely wideband axial ratio and practically enough high gain were first realized in this paper. These characteristics were realized by the innovative technologies found by the authors. And the result of this study was found to be introduced into practical measuring system for detection of position of liquid surface in LNG and oil tankers.

KEYWORDS: Wideband circular polarization antenna, orthogonal arrangement, smoothed routing wire for feeding, grounded square collar at peripheral, elimination of cross-sectional radiation.


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WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 18, 2019, Art. #7, pp. 49-56

Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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