AUTHORS: Ivan Ganchev
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ABSTRACT: This paper describes a Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) intersystem for future wireless networking, based on a novel generic Consumer-Based techno-business Model (CBM) that enables a loose dynamic (even casual) consumer-type association between mobile users (consumers) and service providers, based on a Third-Party provision of the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (3P-AAA) service. With this intersystem, the consumers are helped in finding (and using) the ‘best’ instances of all desired services in a seamless user-driven and user-executed Always Best Connected and best Served (ABC&S) way, anywhere-anytime-anyhow. The main components of the UCWW intersystem are outlined along with their interrelations.
KEYWORDS: Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW), Consumer-Based techno-business Model (CBM), Third-Party Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (3P-AAA), Always Best Connected and best Served (ABC&S), Consumer Identity Module (CIM) card.
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