AUTHORS: Jianhong Zhang, Yuehai Wang
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ABSTRACT: As a significant cryptographical primitive, proxy re-signature(PRS) technique is broadly applied to distributed computation, copyright transfer and hidden path transfer because it permits that a proxy translates an entity’s signature into the other entity’s signature on the identical data. Recently, to discard time-consuming pairing operator and intricate certificate-maintenance, Wang et al. proposed two efficient pairing-free ID-based PRS schemes, and declared that their schemes were provably secure in the ROM. Very unluckily, in this investigation, we point out that Wang et al.’s schemes suffer from attacks of universal forgery by analysing their security, i.e., anyone can fabricate a signature on arbitrary file. After the relevant attacks are shown, the reasons which result in such attacks is analyzed. Finally, we discuss the corresponding improved method.
KEYWORDS: ID-based PRS, integer factorization problem, universal forgeability, security attack
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