AUTHORS: Vaishali, Sandeep Santosh
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ABSTRACT: To facilitate the journey of passengers, the modern railway system should support a wide range of on-board high- speed internet services. The Rail-track Access Points (RAPs) is an interesting idea to solve the increasing demands of passengers. These RAPs are deployed randomly along the railway line and supports high-speed data rates. RAPs are complementary to the cellular network base stations as heavy data request flushes it. In this paper, RAP association problems with the user in the heterogeneous wireless railway network are focused. Here, RAP and base station coexists in the network and to utilise the RAP services, payoff model has been introduced. We analyse the delay performance under the circumstances of totally unknown, partially known and fully known state of the system. According to the payoff model and the expected delay, the passenger decides whether to associate with the RAP or not. Performance evaluations are done on the proposed user-RAP association scheme for the heterogeneous wireless railway communication networks.
KEYWORDS: - payoff, access points, wireless, arrival rate, mean delay time, internet.
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