WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research

Print ISSN: 1991-8755
E-ISSN: 2415-1521

Volume 5, 2017

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Arowana Breeding System Development Using Internet of Things

AUTHORS: Yu-Cheng Lin, Wen-Hung Li, Ching-Chen Lee, Louis Y. Y. Lu

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ABSTRACT: The application of Internet of Things is far and wide, the things of daily life are connected by carrying sensing technology and transferring information through the Internet. In this paper, we develop a system of IoT (Internet of Things) for breeding of Arowana. The idea of Internet of Things will be applied in the breeding of arowana, the key technology contains three main parts. First, we use Arduino Uno R3, and integrate a variety of sensors and automatic devices (for example: water level sensors, temperature sensors, water solenoid valve and the aquarium heater), the system changes all the time to collect the data of water quality, water level, temperature and automatically adjust the water temperature and water level. Secondly, we use Visual C# to develop a windows application, the information obtained by the Arduino aggregated to the database server via Serial port transmission. In addition, we also include OpenCV library, monitor the Arowana moving image through the WebCam and shooting photographs for records during fixed cycle. Thirdly, we set up an IIS server for dynamic web site, and develop an ASP.NET web site with responsive web design, allowing users to various specifications of the smart device. In order to facilitate the download, we also additionally developed a user-friendly Android App. In the present study, we provide adequate information regarding water quality control, water level, water temperature and activities of arowana in their best breeding situation, for the pet fish farming industry as well as aquaculture industry, with a hope that they can maintain a stable environment for breeding fish in a more controllable and comprehensive way.

KEYWORDS: IoT, Internet of Things, Arowana, Arduino, Open CV, responsive web design


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WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8755 / 2415-1521, Volume 5, 2017, Art. #3, pp. 20-26

Copyright © 2017 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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