AUTHORS: Stella Vetova, Ivo Draganov, Ivan Ivanov, Valeri Mladenov
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ABSTRACT: The paper below discusses the pros and cons of the local and global features in CBIR. To this end, four CBIR algorithms are designed and studied in terms of effectiveness. Two of them are based on local features extraction and the similarity is computed through Hausdorff distance or Euclidean distance respectively. The rest of the algorithms use global features extraction and the same two similarity distance metrics. For the feature extraction the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet transform (DT CWT) is applied. The conducted experiments show that the local Features Algorithm with Hausdorff distance (LFAH) which was recently proposed in our previous study demonstrates better results in terms of effectiveness.
KEYWORDS: CBIR, DT CWT, image decomposition, global and local features, Hausdorff distance
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