AUTHORS: Luis Gomez, Andres Rey, Angel Lozada
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ABSTRACT: In Crowdsourcing, the aggregation of results consists of introducing redundancy by asking several workers to perform the same task, and then adding the answers given by the workers seeking to obtain results that are more reliable. The aggregation of results is a very promising approach that can be easily implemented when having numerical entries, but it is quite complex when the entries correspond to strings. This article details how the concept of Median String was applied to perform the aggregation of Crowdsourcing strings, developing an evolutionary algorithm for this purpose. The results obtained show that our algorithm can calculate the Median String, which is a NP-Hard problem, of correct way but when applied to correct errors in Crowdsourcing calculating the correct answer (hidden truth) depends on the quality of the inputs that must present low dissimilarity
KEYWORDS: aggregation of results, evolutionary algorithms, median String, error correction, crowdsourcing
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