AUTHORS: Tomasz Hachaj, Marcin Piekarczyk
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ABSTRACT: This paper describes and evaluates advanced aligning and comparison method dedicated for human motion trajectory analysis. It utilizes Dynamic Time Warping approach and can be applied for relatively long (30 seconds or longer) and complex motion paths. In contrary to other human motion analysis techniques we do not have restriction on motion direction, we use only kinematic data and we are able to compare any foot trajectory no matter how many rotations take place during the motion. As the result an algorithm outputs set of vectors along motion path that corresponds to beginning and end positions of footsteps. The left and right foot is analyzed separately. The difference of two motion paths can be expressed in any DTW-based feature namely minimal, maximal, median, mean and normalized DTW based distance. We have evaluated our method on karate kata dataset that contains four types of motion sequences performed by two black belt Shorin-Ryu karate masters with more than 20 years of experience. The evaluation of our method assured us that our approach can be easily applied for aligning and comparison of any other motion class described by two dimensional motion trajectories. The method can be applied for example in sport or physical therapy exercises data evaluation and it is invariant to body proportion and motion execution speed.
KEYWORDS: Signal processing, Human motion analysis, Path analysis, Dynamic Time Warping, Karate kata
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