AUTHORS: Sameer Khader, Abdel-Karim Daud
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ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a new circuit configuration and a control scheme for a single-phase current source inverter with different operational modes. A sine-triangular wave pulse width modulation SPWM technique is applied, where the switching angle of the inverter is optimized through PWM shifting angle. The inverter is implemented using a single boost switch with H-bridge inverter, and a filter. Different configurations of AC filters are applied mainly C, C-L, L-C, and CLC filter, where the waveform analysis has been detailed to obtain pure sinusoidal output voltage and current with minimized total harmonic distortion, loses and high efficiency. The simulations have been done in LabVIEW software to display the harmonic spectrum, output voltages and currents waveforms. From the simulated results, CLC filter presents better results with respect to the output voltage, load and battery currents, where the obtained total harmonic distortion factor is less than 1.67% and with efficiency of 95%. In addition to that, the drawn battery current for this filter configuration has less values comparing with other configurations, which in turn increases the battery lifetime and reduces the thermal and voltage stresses.
KEYWORDS: Current Source Inverter, Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulated (SPWM), Harmonic Decomposition, LabVIEW Simulation, MATLAB Simulation & Multisim Simulation.
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