AUTHORS: Andres Franco-Almazan, Nicole Fernandez-Soriano, Sergio Vidal-Beltrán
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ABSTRACT: Today, we are witnessing an increase in the number of services and applications demanded by users and it presents a challenge for traditional networks in terms of implementation, costs and operation. Softwaredefined networks emerge as an agile, flexible and programmable architecture, which places it as a solution in the implementation of network applications and services. This paper presents a comparison between the performance of traditional networks and Software-defined networks applying tests to evaluate the parameters defined by the RFC 2544 methodology, in order to obtain a complete characterization of each scheme using a proposed topology applied to each technology, after that we analyze the performance of each one and examining its advantages and disadvantages. Currently, Software-defined networks and virtualization are a subject of many researches, as they are considered essential to counteract the increase in complexity and costs of managing and operating traditional networks.
KEYWORDS: software-defined network, virtualization, OpenFlow, Opendaylight, Mininet
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