AUTHORS: Mirjana Tankosic, Nebojsa Dragovic, Pavle Ivetic
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ABSTRACT: One of the most important factors that are immense in the success of a project is communication. Strategic effective communications not only plays a critical role in bringing success in team based projects, but it also helps in bringing success in overall organization by making it competitive on the basis of good organizational communication. Strategic communications entails that goals are set, success metrics are determined, target audiences are identified, messages are developed and appropriate communications channels are efficiently used to communicate a consistent message. Effective strategic communications, supported by a communications plan, will result in the audiences’ clear understanding of the value and benefit of a change in a product, company, agency or initiative. It will methodically address, using appropriate communications channels and carefully tailored messages and sub-messages, all the constituencies you must reach to mobilize support, build acceptance and remove uncertainty. Exchange of information through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), makes communication more efficient. EDI enables company commercial, purchasing and administration departments to operate more dynamically and efficiently.
KEYWORDS: Strategy, Communication, internal communication, external communication, Corporate communication, Electronic data interchange (EDI), Value Added Network (VAN), competitive advantage, Public relations theory
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