WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education

Print ISSN: 1790-1979
E-ISSN: 2224-3410

Volume 14, 2017

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System Identification and Model Validation of Electro-Hydraulic Actuator for Quarter Car System

AUTHORS: Norlela Ishak, Mazidah Tajjudin, Ramli Adnan, Hashimah Ismail

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ABSTRACT: Electro-Hydraulic actuator is common tools used in the industries. This is due to accurate positioning toward the load and fast response make it as major instruments for the industries process. This paper presents experimental work on non-recursive identification of electro-hydraulic actuator system that represented by a discrete-time model in open-loop configuration. A least square method is used to estimate the unknown parameters of the system based on auto regression with exogenous input (ARX) model. The plant mathematical model was approximated using system identification by aid of System Identification Toolbox of Matlab from open-loop input-output experimental data. These models have been validated by R2 or best fitting criterion, root mean square error and correlation analysis to determine the adequate model for representing the EHA system. By using pole-placement method, this controller is designed for the model chosen through simulation in Matlab-Simulink. The results show that the model chosen which is applied with the proposed controller is able to perform position tracking with high accuracy.

KEYWORDS: System Identification, electro-hydraulic actuator, best fitting criterion, correlation analysis, root mean square error, pole-placement


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WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 13, 2016, Art. #4, pp. 27-35

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