AUTHORS: Satya Shah, Elmira Naghi Ganji, Syed Hasan
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ABSTRACT: Environmental sustainability in manufacturing sector has been allocated a major consideration in the international literature. Due to growing concerns over the high effect of SMEs on world manufacturing industries and their high contribution to pollution; this research attempts to focus on the key parameters that interact in the application of environmental management system, taking into account the main features of SMEs and the integral role of industrial entrepreneurs in inspiring their firms’ approaches. The paper explores the potential opportunities that enable these enterprises to move towards organizations with high level of responsibility regarding environmental protection in order to provide a healthier life for future generations. Case investigation conducted on an adhesive manufacturing company, which covers a notable market share within the sector. The research identifies that the company requires developing both internal and external entities within an explicit plan to revolutionize the recruitment patterns. Given the lack of adequate studies in adhesive technology, more research is required in future to consider the sustainable innovations on a broader sample of adhesive manufacturing companies to perform the life-cycle analysis due to the harmful organic compounds and toxic vapours of the adhesive products.
KEYWORDS: Environmental Management, Sustainability, Environmental Management Systems (EMS), Adhesive Manufacturing, SMEs
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