AUTHORS: Ilir Morina, Naser Bajraktari, Rifat Morina, Shkumbin Shala, Tafë Veselaj
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ABSTRACT: The waste management system in Kosovo is in an unsatisfactory situation, which presents a major problem for the country. The population covered with waste collection services is approximately around 50%.The lack of collecting and treating waste generated in the last decade has created a bad image in aesthetic and environmental pollution. The amount of waste landfills, in such sites, has been estimated to be over 250,000 tons per year[7]. This study has been conducted, in order of detecting illegal waste dumps in the Republic of Kosovo. This means that a huge amount of waste is burnt, either through rivers or in inappropriate places, such as illegal landfills. The major contributors of the illegal dumps, are; building contractors, demolition, remodeling, roofing, and waste management companies. The areas/lands around the landfill have greater opportunities to contamination and groundwater. Many of the products that have toxic origin, and heavy metals, such as, arsenic, zinc, copper, selenium, are harmful to the environment. The Law on Waste obliges municipalities to issue a register of illegal landfills in their territory within a period of one year[12]. In 16 municipalities a total of 1062 illegal landfills were identified. In Drenas, most of the illegal landfills occupy a huge surface of more than 400 m2. Based on the results, we can conclude that a huge amount of waste is not going to the landfills, but are thrown away by the population.
KEYWORDS: Illegal landfills, Kosovo municipalities, waste, KEPA, dumpsites, solid waste etc.
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