AUTHORS: Ilir Morina, Agim Neziri, Andina Vllahiu, Naser Bajraktari, Valmir Zogaj, Merita Mehmeti
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ABSTRACT: There are only 1600 cubic meter water per year per capita or approximately up to 121.2 m³/sec, in Kosovo[9]. This results in insufficient reserves, which will have an impact, in the future, for economic and social development [7]. One of the largest accumulations, in Kosovo, is the Ujemani reservoir and dam, which provides water accumulation – the amount of which is used to supply the raw water in the Kosovo Energy Corporation, Ferronickel, and Trepca. The Iber-Lepenci supplies the regional water supply of Mitrovica and Prishtina with raw water (for Drenas) and it is also used for electricity generation in HP Ujeman 2x17.5 MW – 95GWh/year. The public company of Iber-Lepenc is responsible for the water management. The Iber-Lepenc facilities are expanded in seven municipalities – Zubin Potok, Mitrovica, Vushtrri, Obiliq, Prishtina, Fushe Kosova and Drenas. The height of the Ujemani dam is 107.5m, with an area of 11.9km². The enterprise is responsible for the accumulation of 375 million m³ of water for Ujeman, which also includes the Ujeman hydropower[1]. Out of this accumulation, more than half of Kosovo is supplied with water. Furthermore, 20.000 hectares of farmland are irrigated, and it supplies the main energy and mining industry and produces hydro-energy from 2x17MW/h [12]. The structure analyses of the “Ujemani” accumulation and its water distributive structure have incurred damages; their reconstruction, amount of water loss are due to the damage from the mismanagement and non-maintenance of the infrastructure. The international models of water management are the key topic discussion in this study. The previous researches have been analyzed critically, regarding the total cumulative infrastructure, as the Ujemani catchment system. The essence of this paper is to analyze the amount of water flow in the river, by analyzing and comparing the amount of the average monthly, annual and multi-year rainfalls. The inflow from rivers that flow into the river, building a model for researching the situation of the infrastructure setters, efficiency, supply of water industry and economic and social needs for the next few years, have had an impact on the problems and challenges, constructions of channels, and their expansion. Using the model to formulate hypotheses, regarding the impact of these factors on the value of the system as a whole and the channel in particular, to provide recommendations on the rehabilitation of special facilities, such as aqueducts, tunnels and siphons. The rehabilitation of these channels is in the form of trapeze and rehabilitation of joints on the rehabilitation, maintenance of drainage, etc.
KEYWORDS: Ujamnai, accumulation, main canal, irrigation, hydro-system, agriculture, industry
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