AUTHORS: Jin Su Jeong, Álvaro Ramírez-Gómez
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ABSTRACT: The value of water resources and bodies has been acknowledged in terms of environmental, ecological, and landscape vision and sight because water itself is closely interrelated to the existence and expansion of humanity. The eco-design and eco-innovation of rural-housing in reservoir environment with sustainable tourism and mass-tourism development are under rising pressure of prohibited housings sprawls, human movement and entertaining and tourist consciousness starting from the end of the 21st century in Spain. In rapid urban/rural development and water resources and bodies maintenance, the conflict and struggle are required to be straightforwardly suggested in these such areas. This paper, therefore, describes a combined operational eco-design and eco-innovation plausibility of a participatory multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method for a rural-housing development in a case study reservoir area under tourism and mass-tourism. A case study executing this method was implemented in the Alange municipality with a reservoir of Badajoz region, Spain. Accordingly, this study explores priority criteria investigating the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and supporting opportunities of environmental conservation and economic growth as well which strongly emphasize benefits to the local community and effective management of tourism and mass-tourism. To reach a consensus criteria weight, a web survey to local residents and group discussion with a panel of experts are conducted for an analytical procedure. Then, it evaluates the suitability of the study area in order to optimally eco-design and eco-innovation of rural-housing based on the criteria with the aid of simple additive weighting (SAW) operator functions. This work classifies the particular attention and comparison for public participants in the analyzed map and in the valuation of the water visibility. The results measured and analyzed propose an innovative empirical and valued management method to assess the contemporary environment and infrastructure, and to predict their future developments, which could be applied to other situations and destinations. Particularly, this model analysis suggests a reason and confidence in a methodological approach to enhance the participatory thoughts and attitudes of public participants in the sustainable assessment management in reservoir environment under tourism and mass-tourism. Hence, this tool plans an approach to eco-design and eco-innovation of rural-housing development with the main objective of rising the reservoir environment’s quality of life for residents and the visitors’ satisfaction.
KEYWORDS: eco-design and eco-innovation, plausibility, rural-housing, reservoirs, participatory attitude, GIS/MCA, sustainability, sustainable tourism and mas-tourism
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