AUTHORS: E. Rajendran, C. Kumar
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ABSTRACT: This manuscript depicts the power quality extension in Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) using permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and Quasi Z-source Inverter (qZSI). The PMSG beat the induction generator and previous generators, because of their impressive performances without take up the frame work power. In this document the qZSI is a fresh topology to conjugate from the established Z-Source Inverter. The qZSI inherits the entire compensation of the standard Z-Source Inverter. Here the qZSI executed buck-boost, inversion and power control operation of the WECS additionally, the potential qZSI the unique compensation of less component ratings. The entire supplementary control technology is built for the ZSI can be used by the qZSI. This paper present a FLC based HCC technique for the qZSI. Here, FLC method has a fantastic response time and reduced the harmonics content in lower level. Matlab Simulation results and experimental results are verified by the proposed method.
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Hysteresis Current Control (HCC), Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) and quasi Z-Source Inverter (qZSI), Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS).
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