AUTHORS: Joice G. Philip, Trapti Jain
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ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a new optimization model for optimal placement of PMUs having different channel capacities with improved measurement redundancy. The proposed model provides complete system observability during normal operating conditions as well as contingencies like single line outage and PMU outages. It has been tested on different IEEE test systems and a practical 246 bus Indian system using LINDOGLOBAL solver in GAMS software package. The effect of usage of PMUs with varying channels and fixed channels has been studied using channel utilization factor and total installation cost. It has been found that placing PMUs with varying channel capacity requires less number of channels for complete system observability of the system leading to reduction in installation cost. Further, the proposed redundant observability formulation has been compared with the cost minimization model of PMU placement to demonstrate the improved redundancy obtained with equal number of PMUs.
KEYWORDS: Phasor measurement unit, integer programming, channel limits, measurement redundancy, zero injection bus
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