AUTHORS: Eva Tuba, Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba
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ABSTRACT: Digital image forgery is one of the problems that, besides many benefits, appears with widespread use of digital images in all areas of life. Unfortunately, with rapidly developing and increasingly more powerful hardware and software, not only is digital photography manipulation for legitimate goals easier, but also for the forgery. One well-known forgery of digital images is the so-called copy-move forgery where one part of the image is copied to another location in the same image. In this paper we proposed an ovarlaping block-based method for detection of copy-move forgery. It uses overlaping blocks of the size 16*16 and only three features extracted from such blocks. Huge amount of computation is reduced by using bin-sort algorithm. The proposed method was tested on standard benchmark images and in spite of its simplicity it proved to be very successful.
KEYWORDS: Digital image forensics, image forgery detection, copy-move forgery detection, block-based forgery detection algorithm
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