WSEAS Transactions on Systems

Print ISSN: 1109-2777
E-ISSN: 2224-2678

Volume 16, 2017

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Volume 16, 2017

Diagnosis and Sensor Placement for a Gas Lift Well

AUTHORS: Ruben Leal, Jose Aguilar, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Edgar Camargo, Addison Ríos

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ABSTRACT: A major contribution to supervision is to provide reliable diagnosis results reporting about the change of health status of the components of a system. An important related property, which allows one to provide guarantees about which faults are discriminable by the diagnoser, is diagnosability. Diagnosability analysis for production systems examines detectability (which faulty behaviors are discriminable from the normal behavior of the system) and isolability (which faulty behaviors are discriminable from which). Interestingly, diagnosability analysis provides the foundations for sensor placement, indicating parts of the system that suffer poor observability. In this paper, structural analysis is proposed as an efficient tool for diagnosability analysis and sensor placement, and applied to a real-world process of extraction of oil by gas injection.

KEYWORDS: Diagnosability, Detectability, Isolability, Sensor Placement, Structural Analysis, Extraction Of Oil


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WSEAS Transactions on Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2777 / 2224-2678, Volume 16, 2017, Art. #15, pp. 111-122

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