AUTHORS: Hien N. V., Diem P. G.
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a model-driven control design, which is based on the specialization of ModelBased Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach combined with the real-time UML/MARTE, hybrid automata and the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm in order to conveniently implement and deploy controllers for quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This model also creates a real-time communication pattern, which can permit the designed control components of a developed quadrotor UAV to be customized and reused in new control applications of various UAV typed Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL). To achieve this goal, the study is stepwise carried out as follows: the physical and dynamic model together with control structure of a quadrotor UAV are firstly adapted for developing entirely a quadrotor UAV controller. The usecase model combined with the realization hypotheses of hybrid automata and the EKF algorithm are then specialized to gather the requirement analysis of control. The specializations of real-time UML/MARTE’s features such as the ‘capsules, ports and protocols’ notation combined with the timing concurrency of evolution are next realized to precisely design structures and behaviors for the controller. The detailed design model is then converted into the implementation model by using object-oriented and open-source platforms in order to quickly simulate and realize this controller. Finally, a trajectory-tracking controller is developed and tested that permits an autonomous quadrotor UAV to reach and follow a reference trajectory in the Cartesian space with good reliability.
KEYWORDS: UAV control; autonomous flying robot; model-based control design; systems engineering; hybrid automata; EKF; real-time UML/MARTE; MBSE
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