AUTHORS: Ludovica Adacher
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ABSTRACT: The management of goods delivery is becoming very important. The on time delivery is a critical criterion taking into account customers point of view. But the delivery company must also pay attention to the economic considerations. There are many variations on this issue, but all of them are of great computational complexity. It means that the exact solutions are unavailable for large size problem. The paper proposes the Surrogate Method for the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (DVRP). The aim of DVRP is to find a set of routes to serve multiple customers while the travelling time between point to point may vary during the process. The aim is to schedule the vehicle routes minimizing the number of the required vehicles and the completion time. The presented approach uses some common assumptions but different optimization method. Finally, the proposed heuristic is compared with the genetic algorithm.prepare their manuscripts for WSEAS proceedings or journals by means of LaTeX. You will find the format you have to choose, fonts, how to type the title of your paper, the titles of sections, examples of definitions, lemmas, theorems, equations etc
KEYWORDS: Delivery problem, vehicle routing problem, heuristics.
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