Plenary Lecture

Methodological Approach for Creating Applications Using Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

Professor Francklin Rivas-Echeverria
Laboratorio de Sistemas Inteligentes
Universidad de Los Andes
Secretaria de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion
Prometeo Program
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador-Sede Ibarra


Abstract: Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems have been widely used in many applications, because of the powerful capabilities they have and the diverse kind of solutions that have been made using these techniques. Artificial Neural Networks have great capabilities for learning from data, finding patterns, generalization activities, they can be used as associative memories and can give accurate answers to complex problems because of theirs structures. On the other hand, fuzzy logic can be used for representing the human behavior concerning classification capabilities using multivalued processes instead of the conventional bivaluated processes used for binary descriptions. This give smoother and more accurate solutions because of its similarity to human processing. Both techniques have been successfully used for many applications and also have been developed diverse configurations for using them jointly using the best capabilities of both techniques, creating structures for representing highly complex systems using simple structures. In this plenary lecture it will be presented a methodological approach for creating applications using neuro-fuzzy systems and it will be presented some examples of developed applications in areas as: Fault detection and isolation, operational condition prediction and virtual sensors design, times series forecasting, modeling and identification, among others.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Francklin Rivas-Echeverria Systems Engineer, MSc. in Control Engineering and Applied Science Doctor. Full professor in Control Systems Department, at Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela. He has been invited professor in the Engineering School at Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica del Ecuador-sede Ibarra (PUCESI, Ecuador), Laboratoire d'Architecture et d'Analyse des Systemes (LAAS, Toulouse-France) and some Venezuelan and international Universities. He has also been technical advisor for “Venezuelan Oil Company” (PDVSA), “Aluminum Venezuelan Company” (VENALUM), “Steel Venezuelan Company” (SIDOR), Trolleybus System in Venezuela (TROLMERIDA), Kuwait Oil Company (Kuwait), Halliburton (USA), among others. He has created and is the Director of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory. Over 230 publications in high level conferences and journals: the main topics of his papers are: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Control, Automation Systems and Industrial Applications. He has applied his results in areas as: Processes Control and Supervision, Oil production, Steel production processes, education among others. Also, has developed several tools for automatic control teaching. He is coauthor of four books. Halliburton awarded him a recognition for “contributions and dedication to the development of petroleum technology”. Recognition awarded by “Revista Gerente” as one of the 100 most successful Managers in Venezuela. He has been chairman and invited plenary lecturer in several conferences around the world, he has presented and published more than 30 papers in WSEAS Conferences Proceedings and Journals.

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