Plenary Lecture

On Modern Web Tools Used to Improve the Online Learning

Professor Mirela-Catrinel Voicu
Department of Business Information Systems
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
West University of Timisoara

Abstract: In the last years, the IT evolutions have marked different areas, such as learning. Today, the online learning is at a very advanced level compared to what it was ten years ago. Hardware developments made possible to develop online learning anywhere around the world. Also, the number of involved people (in education or learning) is not important. Even if the hardware technologies have a greater role in the development of online learning, the software tools have also an important role, to improved the quality of learning. Currently, the websites must be responsive, to be visited from different devices. In this paper we focus on Bootstrap and how we can use it in order to improve the quality of learning, using websites or mobile applications.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Mirela-Catrinel Voicu was born in Romania. In 1995, she graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, West University of Timisoara. She received the MSc degree in Applied Mathematics, Informatics in Economy and Computer Sciences from the West University of Timisoara. She followed a training course for PhD thesis at the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, Paris, France. She received her PhD in 2001 from the University of Timisoara, Romania (with the "Cum laude" distinction) and from the University of Paris 13, France (with the "Tr?s honorable avec f?licitations" distinction). Currently she is a Professor at the Department of Economic Informatics, within the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timisoara, Romania, where, since 1995, she has held several academic positions. Her activity includes Programming and Internet Programming, Informatics in Economy, Databases, OOP, Data structures, Online Learning, Mobile Technologies and Applications. She has 90 papers in conference proceedings or refereed journals (from these papers, 36 have been presented or published abroad). She has published 9 books (1 book in France, 2 book in Germany and 6 books in Romania). She is a reviewer and a member in international program committee of various conferences from abroad, member in the teams of 10 research projects (two of which are international) and project manager for one research project. Since 2002, she is a member of INFOREC (Romanian Association for Economic Informatics Training Promotion), since 2005, she is a member of WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society), since 2009, she is a member of SCT (Society for Computing Technologies), and since 2014 is member at Oracle Academy.

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