Plenary Lecture

Emerging Trends of Cloud-Based Internet of Things in Healthcare Application

Professor Zoran Bojkovic
Full Professor of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade

Abstract: The main reason for the Internet of Things ( IoT ) to be applied in healthcare is the possibility for providing not only intelligent perception, but also human-to human, human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communications. The IoT incorporates transparently a large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to healthcare data for the development of digital services. Healthcare networks with wireless technologies are expected to support diseases diagnosis, real time monitoring, etc. In creating health records and delivering on-demand health services, gateways, medical servers as well as health data- bases play vital role. On the other hand, cloud computing ( CC ) offers on-demand computer resources. When deciding to use CC, healthcare actors must have a clear understanding of the unique benefits and risks relative to the purpose and scope of medical practice and healthcare delivery.Optimizing case outcomes while maximizing patient safety,efficiency and effectiveness of care and treatment. Consideration also must be given to the different models of service delivery : infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service.
Patient health monitoring system infrastructure is based on integrated cloud computing and IoT technologies. It is a flexible, and energy-efficient remote patient healthcare monitoring system. Generally speaking, the system represents the combination of strong synergy of IoT, CC, and wireless technologies for efficient and high quality remote patient health status monitoring. This Plenary Lecture is structured as follows.Firstly, IoT for healthcare is presented together with technologies for promoting the corresponding services. How to design new efficient solutions for next generation mobile technologies with IoT, cloud convergence is a crucial issue in healthcare application , and is presented in the second part of this work.A series of challenging open research issues together with proposals for the future work conclude this presentation.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Zoran Bojkovic, Life Senior Member IEEE, is a Full Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia. He served as a Visiting Professor at more than 25 universities worldwide. His areas of interest/expertise include digital signal processing, wire/wireless multimedia communications networks, mobile networks, effective computing. He has co-authored 7 International Books and 7 International Books Chapters, together with over 460 papers in peer-reviewed journals , conference proceedings and publications. He has conducted workshops/tutorials, seminars and participated in more than 70 scientific and industrial projects all over the world. Recently, the European Commission Service identify his profile a good match for specific expertise requirements. Currently, he is serving as Editor - in- Chief in 3 and as Associate Editor in 2 International Journals. For more information, please see

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