Plenary Lecture

Telehealth Systems as they should be -Their Role in our Lives and Welfare

Professor Hidetoshi Wakamatsu
Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Abstract: We discuss some fundamental concept of telehealth with relating welfare systems based on the Internet facility from the standpoints of their beneficiaries and social infrastructure. Our approach is here by our own work more than 30 years which was introduced in the newspaper “Science News Japan, Tokyo” with some examples. There remains however still important things in this area. So we further discuss according to the reference of subjective needs of individual beneficiaries in our aged society. Thus, the support rather than the surveillance of beneficiaries is first discussed with expenses of curbed and equipment simplified in ordinary telehealth cases. Secondly, community-wide medicare offering security is talked about utilizing timely offered technologies. Emphasis is however placed on Face-to-Face communication and on easy handling by beneficiaries, providing as examples such opportunities of enjoying games for the disadvantaged and for dementia patients. Then, the same technological concept based on broadband are discussed to make it enable to have teleconferences, teleeducation for rural depopulated region. The proposal is thereby made in order to appeal to smaller information gaps and to keep sufficient capacity communication in telehealth-society.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Hidetoshi Wakamatsu received his B.E. and M.E. degrees from Yokohama National University in 1970 and 1972, respectively. He received his Dr. of Eng. degree in 1984 from the University of Tokyo. He was a research Associate at the Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering from 1972-1986, Tokyo Medical and Dental University(TMDU). From 1973-1974 he was a Visiting Research Associate, Institute for Biocybernetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany. From 1986-1988 he was an Associate Professor at Ashikaga Institute of Technology, Associate professor 1988-1991, Professor 1991-1992 at Fukui University and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, 1992-2012 (TMDU). Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Medical and Dental University since 2012. In 1994 a visiting professor, Oregon State University and so on. A General Chair of Asia Pasic Conference of Control and Measurement 2004-2011. Editor-in-chief, Journal of Automatic Control of Physiological State and Function(ACPSF) 2009-2013. Since 2017 Guest Professor, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan). In 2018, Associate Editor, Journal of Advanced Emergency Medicine (AEM).

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