Plenary Lecture

Direct-Approximate Methods for Solution of Singular Integral Equations with Complex Conjugation Defined on the System of Fejer Points on Contour Γ in Generalized Holder Spaces

Professor Iurie Caraus
Concordia University

Abstract: The main propose of this research is the investigation and theoretical background of the direct-approximate methods for the numerical solution of singular integral equations with translation and conjugation of the unknown function defined on the smooth contours of the Lyapunov type. The equations are defined on the system of Fejer points. The numerical schemes of collocation and mechanical quadrature methods for the equations with conjugations of the unknown function and for the equations with translation will be elaborated. The theorems of convergence of these methods will be proved in Generalized Holder spaces.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: From 1996 Dr. Iurie Caraus started working at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Moldova State University. From 2004-2011, Dr. Iurie Caraus was Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Moldova State University, Chisinau. In 1998 he obtained PhD in Numerical Mathematics. In 2018 Iurie received the Ph.D. in Computer Science (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada). From 2017-2018, Iurie was Research Associate, McGill, Montreal, Canada. From 2018-present, Dr. Caraus is Researcher at the University of Concordia, Montreal, Canada. Iurie Caraus worked as a scientific researcher in many universities: Central European University (Hungary), N.C. State University (USA), Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany), K.U Leuven (Belgium), University of Trieste (Italy), University of Lisbon (Portugal), McGill (Canada). Research Scholarships: Fulbright (USA), DAAD (Germany), Fare (CANADA). His research activities include Bioinformatics, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Finite Elements Methods, Cryptography, Mathematical Economics, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Deep Machine Learning. Dr. Caraus has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in mathematics and computer science. Iurie has a great interest in applying mathematical models in different fields of science.

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