Plenary Lecture

Technology 4.0 Application in Public Health Management

Professor Eko Supriyanto
Biomedical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Abstract: Public health management focuses in preventing diseases, promoting health and prolong life among the population as a whole using limited available resources, time and policy. Public health assessment, health planning, policy development and implementation, health promotion, health financing, as well as monitoring, evaluation and analysis of public health status are the main activities in public health management. However, since the last decade, the issue is to achieve a cost-effective target of public health management. Low accuracy data collection, low quality health policy and planning, as well as less cost-effective health finance distribution are the main factors. Technology 4.0 application in public health management has been proposed to solve these issues. The application includes the use of Smart Sensor, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. They can be used to collect public health data automatically, intelligently process the data and effectively visualize data in high security level. For example, smart sensors, internet of things and in-house developed mobile apps are used to gather data from registered users. Combination of artificial intelligent techniques are then applied to predict health risk, optimize health planning and policy as well as estimate health cost. Test result shows that these technologies are able to improve public health data accuracy, planning and policy quality, and health cost distribution. This is a significant effort to support public health professionals in achieving public health management goal within limited time and resources.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Eko Supriyanto is a full Professor in Biomedical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, adjunct Professor at Faculty of Computer Science and Automation, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany as well as research fellow at Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia. He obtained his Doctorate in Engineering from University of Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany. Prof Eko has published more than 250 articles in engineering, health and computer fields, and has more than 40 patents and copyrights in the area of biomedical engineering. He is also currently the Chairman of ASEAN Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering Association.

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