Plenary Lecture

Provision of Multimodal Travel Information Services

Professor Sadko Mandzuka
Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences
Department of Intelligent Transport Systems
University of Zagreb

Abstract: Multimodal travel information includes static and dynamic travel and traffic data covering at least two modes of transport and allowing the possibility to compare transport modes. According to EU directives, EU-wide multimodal travel information services should be accurate and available across borders to various users. They should be accessible through appropriate National Access Points, one of whose main tasks is mutual interaction for the exchange of travel and traffic information, which EU member states should provide according to the EU Intelligent Transport Systems Directive (EU ITS Directive) and some delegated regulations. The quality of data is one of the key concerns regarding provisioning of multimodal travel information. This plenary speak provides a brief analysis of basic requirements, key stakeholders and required data categories, which are presented together with the system architecture and functional requirements on a conceptual level.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Prof. Sadko Mandzuka is currently Head of Intelligent Transport Systems Department, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences, University of Zagreb. He has wide experience in the area of floating vessels control theory, Intelligent Transport Systems, Artificial intelligence, Traffic incident management systems etc. He had the opportunity to work both in academic and industrial environments including Brodarski (Navy) Institute, Consulting in the Innovation Area for SME’s, etc. He is currently setting up a spin-off company providing consulting services for Intelligent Transport System while at the same time advancing his academic career. He is a founding member of Croatian Robotic Association, President of ITS-Croatia, and Collaborating member of Croatian Academy of Engineering. He is a member of Technical Committee on Marine Systems - Coordinating Committee on Transportation and Vehicle Systems - IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control ). Finally he has served in the program committees and as reviewer at several international Congress and Conferences. He is author of more than 100 internationally reviewed publications. He is the editor of the Engineering Applications Section of the international scientific journal An International Journal of Control and Optimization: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA). Also, he is a member of the editorial board of international scientific journal International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research (Springer) and the national journal Ceste i mostovi (Roads and Bridges).

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