

Plenary Lecture

Countermeasure Technique to Combat Greedy Behavior in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks

Professor Tarek Saadawi
Center for Information Networking & Telecommunications (CINT)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
City University of New York, City College
E-mail: saadawi@ccny.cuny.edu

Abstract: This presentation covers a countermeasure technique to combat the greedy behavior in IEEE 802.11. The countermeasure technique presented in this paper consists of three stages; first is to detect the greedy node on the MAC layer by solving Markov Chain. Second stage is to temporarily isolate the greedy node and this stage utilizes the game theory concepts and consists of coordination between the MAC and Network layers to agree on new communication frequency band applied by the PHY layer to isolate the greedy node. The third stage is to give a second chance to the greedy node to rejoin the group assuming it will behave and follow the standard so the whole system reaches an equilibrium state in the sense that deviation from this strategy has no profit for the deviator in the average outcome (long term).

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Dr Saadawi has been with the Electrical Engineering Department, The City University of New York, CityCollege, since 1980, where he currently directs the Center of Information Networking and Telecommunications (CINT) at CCNY. His current research interests are wireless networks, multimedia networks, AD-HOC networks and network security. He has published extensively in the area of telecommunications networks. He is a co-Editor of Cyber Infrastructure Protection, published by Strategic Studies Institute, 2010, lead-author of a text book on telecommunications, and the lead author of Egypt Telecommunications Infrastructure Master Plan, funded by USAID.
Dr Saadawi a former Chairman of IEEE Computer Society of New York City He has received IEEE Region 1 Award. Dr Saadawi has been a member of the Consortium Management Committee of ARL Consortium on Telecommunication (2001- 2011), and has been on US Dept of Commerce delegation to the Algerian Government addressing Rural Communications, April 2007.

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