Plenary Lecture

Telecommunications in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

Professor Tomas Zelinka
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Czech Republic

Abstract: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions offer wide range of telecommunications-based applications concentrated namelyon the traffic management, traffic safety improvementor e.g. on environmental impact minimization. Stand-alone vehicle support can improve driver´s ability to correctly act in critical situations or improve efficiency of transport process. However, benefits of such support can be magnified if the individual vehicles can suitably exchange data with the other vehicles on the road as well as with the infrastructure systems.Recently emphasis in this area turned ITSto the Cooperative ITS where each equipped vehicle has got ability to communicate with the otherequipped vehicles (V2V) as well as with the infrastructuresystems (V2I). Cooperative ITS implementationsrequire guaranteed quality mobiledata services, low data latency and widely spread roads and highways network coverage. Publically available wireless mobile data services can offer quite reasonable area coverage. However, provided packet service latency use to be above Cooperative ITS requirements and mostly noguaranteed service quality and securityis available.
New generation of OFDM based services specificallyDSRC 5.9 (Data Short Range communication) designed for the V2V and V2I communication or publically availableLTE services open conditions for provisioning of appropriate telecommunications services. Theirfirst implementations prove appearance of the new potentialin this area. Our view of this potential will be presented.
Transferred data volumesboth inV2V and V2I regimesextremely quickly grow.Step by step vehicles integration in the global networks, however, represents fertile conditions forindividual vehicles networks attacks. Hostile attack ofvehicle on board data communication network based typically on the CAN(Controlled Area Network)can easily cause fatal consequences. Therefore telecommunications security ismore and more understood as the crucial part of the Cooperative ITS telecommunications solutions. Some our approaches improving availabletelecommunications security tools will be presented, as well.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Professor of Informatics at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague,
PhD in Experimental Physics at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
Master degree in Cybernetics and Computer Sciences at the CTU in Prague,
2005 - CTU in Prague,Faculty of Transport Sciences(FTS)
Basic and advanced lectures in area of telecommunications sciences, specific telecommunication solutions for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and cooperative ITS, telecommunications services management etc.,
R&D - specific telecommunications solutions dedicated for the ITS, Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) acting as well as the national representative in ISO/CEN, vehicle On Board Units architecture, security in telecommunications etc.
1993 – 2005 Communications business
New products R&D, business development for products like VSAT data services (EuroTel) or IP/SS7based international voice networks interconnect within CEEMEA region (Global One (JV of Sprint Int., FT, DT), acting as the external mentor at the of the CTU in Prague, FTS and member of governmental telecommunications liberalization committee
1976 – 1993 Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Geophysical Institute
Experimental laboratory and observatory methods in geophysics, studies of the variations and drift of the Earth magnetic field, data communication solutions within international geomagnetic observatory system (INTERMAG), computer modeling of magnetic material structures with on-line laboratory identification, laboratory study of the magnetic properties of rocks,
1972 – 1976 Industrial R&D Automatic control systems for the technological processes – CNC (Computer Numerical Control),Data communications and computer based control in the heavy duty technological processes,
Published above 125 scientific papers, monographs, books and University textbooks in physics, informatics, ITS, transport telematics and telecommunications.

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