

Plenary Lecture

Hybrid Energy Systems in the Context of the Operation of the Electricity System

Associate Professor Petr Mastny
Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Brno, Czech Republic
E-mail: mastny@feec.vutbr.cz

Abstract: In connection with the development and the growing integration of renewable energy sources into energy systems, it is still important to acquire knowledge concerning the vice of their operational characteristics. Lecture is primarily focused on the operation of hybrid energy systems (photovoltaic and wind power stations with accumulation, which can operate in island operation or cooperate with electricity grid) in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The lecture describes the important operating indicators that relate to the integration of hybrid energy systems into the electricity system and their impact on the operation and management of the electricity system. Here will be describing the importance of compensation for hybrid systems, as well as the methodology for establishing the operating performance of these systems and their impact on the economy of operation. In ideal case integration of hybrid systems into ESS (Electricity Supply System) does not cause downgrade of power quality in access point (point of common coupling). Power quality is expressed by voltage quality. Ideal quality of electric power is achieved if energy is still available; voltage has its rated value, voltage waveform is a harmonic function with rated frequency and particular phases of voltage are symmetric.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:Petr Mastny was born in 1976. He graduated in Electrical Power engineering in 2000 from Brno University of Technology. His Ph.D. he obtained in October 2006. In December 2010 he has been appointed as Associate Professor at Brno University of Technology. He has been with Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic since 2005 and with Centre of Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy since 2010. His current position is assistant professor. His field of interest covers the problems of utilization of renewable energy source and questions of energy management systems with renewable energy sources and their influence on environment. At present he is head worker or co-worker of five research projects in the field of Alternative Power Sources and he cooperates with several private companies to solve of real applications. Petr Mastny has been member of WSEAS (The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) since 2007, member of NAUN since 2009, member of IEEAM since 2010 and member of CIRED since 2009. He is author of about 75 publications in international scientific journals and conferences in field of Power Engineering and Alternative Power Sources. He has more than 55 presentations in international conferences and technical seminars and he has more than 12 citations in international scientific journals.

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