Plenary Lecture 2
Achieving Spectrum Efficiency by Employing Cognitive Radio Systems
Professor Ivan Ganchev
Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC)
University of Limerick
Limerick, IRELAND
E-mail: Ivan.Ganchev@ul.ie
Abstract: The spiralling growth of the use of mobile radio systems and the ever increasing volume of mobile traffic demands a more efficient use of the finite radio spectrum resources. Thus the development of radio-communication systems with a potential of using the spectrum resources in much more dynamic and efficient manner is of a paramount importance. One such technique involves the use of Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS), which offer an improvement in the efficiency of spectrum use with additional flexibility through dynamic adaptive exploitation of under-utilized radio bands and white space spectrum bands. This plenary lecture will provide an introduction into the CRS as a collection of technologies with three main capabilities: (1) obtaining knowledge; (2) decision making and adjustment; (3) learning. Different methods to obtain knowledge will be introduced as well as the general concepts of centralized and distributed decision making and adjustment methods, and learning mechanisms. Potential benefits of the CRS technology will be highlighted. The implementation and feasibility of the CRS deployment scenarios, depending upon the resolution of technical challenges and complying with national and ITU radio regulations, will be considered. A detailed scenario presentation and demonstration, involving both the CRS and the cloud technologies, will conclude the lecture.
Brief Biography of the Speaker: Prof. Ivan Ganchev is a Senior Member of the IEEE1; the IEEE Communications Society; the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committees on: (i) Internet of Everything, (ii) Internet, (iii) Computer Communications, and (iv) Cloud Computing; the IEEE Communities on: (i) Future Networks, (ii) IEEE Internet of Things, and (iii) IEEE Smart Cities; and the IEEE Consultants Network. He received his doctoral and engineering (summa cum laude) degrees from the Saint-Petersburg University of Telecommunications in 1995 and 1989, respectively. He is a Deputy Director of the Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC), University of Limerick (Ireland), an ITU-T2 Invited Expert, and an IET3 Invited Lecturer. He also holds a Full Professorship at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”. Prof. Ganchev was involved in 40+ international and national research projects. Previously he served as a member of the EU FP5 Academic Network for Wireless Internet Research in Europe (ANWIRE) and 6 European ‘COoperation in Science and Technology’ (COST) Actions: COST 285 “Modelling and Simulation Tools for Research in Emerging Multi-service Telecommunications”, COST 290 “Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks”, IC0906 “Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (WiNeMO)”, IC0905 “Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio (TERRA)”, IC1304 “Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)”, IC1303 “Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)”. Currently he is a Management Committee Member (MCM) of 2 COST Actions: CA15127 “Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-User Applications from Disaster-based Failures (RECODIS)” and CA16226 “Indoor living space improvement: Smart Habitat for the Elderly (SHELD-ON)”. Prof. Ganchev’s research interests include: novel telecommunication and information paradigms; modelling, simulation, and emulation of complex information systems, networks, and services; future telecommunication networks and services; smart ubiquitous and context-aware networking; Internet of Things (IoT); Internet of Services (IoS); Ambient Assisted Living (AAL); Enhanced Living Environments (ELE); Internet tomography; mHealth and mLearning ICT. Prof. Ganchev has served on the Technical Program Committee of 275+ prestigious international conferences, symposia, and workshops. He has authored/co-authored 1 monography, 3 textbooks, 4 edited books, and 260+ research papers in refereed international journals, books chapters, and conference proceedings. Prof. Ganchev is an Area Editor of Elsevier Computer Networks, an Associate Editor of Wiley Internet Technology Letters, a Regional Editor (Europe) of International Journal on Trust Management in Computing and Communications, and on the Editorial Board of few other journals. He has also served as a Guest Editor for multiple international journals.