AUTHORS: Zelasco J. F., Echeveria A., Pasqulini E., Sanchez G., Kelly T., Donayo J.
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ABSTRACT: It has been conceived and designed a stereotaxic frame, which is characterized for being particularly light, dismissible, comfortable portability, that is, it settles in the zone of the skull that has been chosen to access to the brain lesions. The support system assists the neurosurgeon, who will introduce the parameters of the frame. There is also another system to verify the precision reached, to guaranty that the processes is consistent with the planning previously made by the surgeon. An image 3D is made with the base of the frame fixed to the skull, and then the neurosurgeon plans the procedure. Nine fiducial points allows relating both referential systems – the 3D image and the frame –. These points are set in a way that the identification can be assisted. For the planning, the software shows different 3D image cuts to help the surgeon to locate the lesion and to determine the direction of entry of the instrument. Then, the system calculates the 5 parameters that allow the surgical instrument to reach the lesion after traveling the way chosen by the neurosurgeon. The software includes other functionalities. These tools have been developed in order to facilitate the diagnosis of cerebral lesions and the planning of diverse invasive proceedings like biopsies, surgical interventions, etc. This development is also useful for training and as a didactic support for students and neurosurgery residents. It consists, essentially, in the possibility of visualizing virtual sections, in any desired angle, of a 3D image (RMN, TM, etc), including or not the Brain Atlas, and the surgical instrument position, -and/or its trajectory-, in many different ways.
KEYWORDS: Stereotaxic frame, 3D Image, Brain Atlas, Stereotaxic neurosurgery, Images's registration, Neuronavigator
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