WSEAS Transactions on Communications

Print ISSN: 1109-2742
E-ISSN: 2224-2864

Volume 16, 2017

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Human-Machine Interfaces Using Fuzzification of Facial Movements to Remotely Control Robots by means of Xmpp Internet Protocol

AUTHORS: Jesus A. Romualdo Ramirez, Enrique Mendez Franco, David Tinoco Varela

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ABSTRACT: Currently there is a great development with respect to the creation of different types of human-machine interfaces that allow interacting people with electronic, mechanical or computational elements. Today, these interfaces are necessary due to the large number of technological aspects with which we find ourselves daily, being able to have control of technologies as diverse as remote control toys, industrial robots, and even fully automated houses. Classic interfaces present designs that require cumbersome or complex elements when they are used, resulting in rigid and unnatural communication with the devices we want to control, in addition, they may not be tools that can be easily usable by people who do not count with prior technical knowledge, or even by persons who have physical disabilities Due to the aforementioned, it is necessary to generate human-machine interfaces that present natural interaction between the entities involved, as well as being easy to use by any type of person, without the need for prior specialized training or the need for physical manipulation to its use. This work shows the development of an interface that can control a remote device by characterizing facial movements using fuzzy logic. Creating a natural interaction between the individual and the device to be controlled. This implementation is able to establish a remote communication with any electronic device through the Internet via XMPP protocol, which gives a dynamism of control over virtually any geographical position in the world where exist an Internet connection, in this way, it is possible to be able to integrate it into the Internet of things.

KEYWORDS: Human-machine interfaces, Fuzzy controllers, XMPP, facial movements


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WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 16, 2017, Art. #13, pp. 94-106

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