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Janani V. S.
M. S. K. Manikandan

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Janani V. S.
M. S. K. Manikandan

WSEAS Transactions on Communications

Print ISSN: 1109-2742
E-ISSN: 2224-2864

Volume 17, 2018

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Mobility Aware Voronoi Hexagonal Clustering Scheme with Trust for Securing Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

AUTHORS: Janani V. S., M. S. K. Manikandan

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ABSTRACT: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are susceptible to several attacks due to the salient characteristics of mobile nodes. However, the major challenge to ensure secures network functionality. Trust has been recently recommended as an effective mechanism to meet this challenge. In this paper, we propose and analyze mobility aware distributed trust based hexagonal clustering scheme (HTMAC) to secure MANETs. In contrast to the existing clustering techniques, we present a distributed hexagonal clustering model with Voronoi technique where trust accomplished. To increase the spatial reuse, the network areas are clustered into congruent hexagons with Voronoi geometric features. Each node in the proposed scheme computes the trustworthiness of to enhance the security. For scalability and dynamic reconfigurability, we consider a clusterbased approach by which nodes are broken into subgroups. Headers in the clusters securely communicate with each other to agree on a network functionalities and node mobility-instigated events. Relevant simulation results demonstrate that our clustering model is efficient to guarantee a secured and mobility-adaptive ad-hoc network with trustworthy mobile nodes.

KEYWORDS: Trust, Voronoi, Hexagonal Clustering, MANET, Mobility, Security.


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WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 17, 2018, Art. #3, pp. 18-28

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