WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research

Print ISSN: 1991-8755
E-ISSN: 2415-1521

Volume 6, 2018

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Email Fraud: Question of Motive

AUTHORS: Janko Žufić, Marko Pogarčić, Ivan Pogarčić

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ABSTRACT: Mail, regardless of the form or manner of implementation, is the way of communication. Traditional forms or modern use of ICT are standardized forms of human communication. This does not mean, of course, the exclusion of (non)human communication e.g. machine - machine. The assumption of standards as an accepted form of communication realization often becomes necessary due to all aspects of this communication. Communication takes place in a communication channel, which implies a sender-receiver relationship. The channel and the primary sender-receiver axis may be, and most often are, of an altering character, which means that the roles change during the realization of the communication. In doing so, the form of realization is not so important. Since e-mail is a form of communication, predominantly human, it also implies certain forms of human behavior. However, it does seem that these features are not standardized, and even less implied in some cases. All deviations from the established moral and ethical norms can be seen as deformations in behavior during email communication. These norms should be a reflection of the cultural, ethical and moral framework of a certain, specific community, and respect for them should be understood and guaranteed. Accordingly, participants of such communication can find themselves in different situations, so they behave differently. The paper presents a summary review of various fraud attempts via email, which is owned by one of the authors. The data were collected in a database for a period of seven years. This paper is a continuation of two previous investigations that treated the time of email fraud (day of the week and hour of the day). This paper is a continuation of analysis on a broader database with the subject of analysis being a motive of fraud. Motive articulation can serve for further action that can eliminate negative aspects of email.

KEYWORDS: - eMail, fraud, attempt, communication, ACTE, GDPR


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WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8755 / 2415-1521, Volume 6, 2018, Art. #9, pp. 60-70

Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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