AUTHORS: Ramzi Ben Messaoud, Salah Hajji
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ABSTRACT: In this article, we propose a new nonlinear observer concept. The basic idea for our observer’s design is to use mean value theorem (MVT) and lsqnonlin algorithm to determine the estimation error (e = x−xˆ) and MVT parameters βi (between 0 and 1) . The stability study is carried out thanks to the quadratic function of Lyapunov. Two numerical examples are provided to show the performance of the proposed approach. The first studies a chaotic system with a linear term ( ˙x = f(x, u)) and the second deals with a linear system ( ˙x = Ax + f(x, u)).
KEYWORDS: lsqnonlin algorithm;Nonlinear observer; Nonlinear system; mean value theorem; State estimation
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