AUTHORS: Alexander Tatashev, Marina Yashina
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This paper considers a dynamical system of Buslaev contour network type, containing two contours. There are Ni cells in the contour i, i = 1, 2. There is a common point of all contours. This point is called a node. There are M particles in the system. At any time t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , each particle occupies a cell. No cell can be occupied by more than one particle simultaneously. The particles move in a given direction. At any step, each particle moves onto one cell forward if the cell ahead is vacant. If two particles come to the node simultaneously, then a competition of these particles occurs, and only one particle moves. This particle is chosen in accordance with a deterministic or stochastic competition resolution rule. After completing the movement in the contour i, the particle moves in the contour j with probability αij , i, j = 1, 2. We say that the system is in the state of free movement if all particles move without delays at the present moment and in the future. We have obtained the conditions for the system to result in a state of free movement over a time interval with a finite expectation.
KEYWORDS: -Dynamical systems, cellular automata, traffic models, self-organization, contour networks
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