

Social Profile


A letter of thanks from Mr. Petros Molyviatis, former Minister of External Affairs and President of Fire Victims Committee.

WSEAS efforts are extended to support charitable causes over a long period of time. For as long as we exist, we will continue to offer our assistance to those in need. Some of our philanthropic activities can be seen below:

Donation of 10000 Euros to Lyreio Idryma on July 30, 2018 and August 1, 2018 (massive forest fires in Mati, Attica, Greece).
Donation of 50000 Euros to the victims of the 2007 massive forest fires in several areas across Greece:

Donation of 18000 EUR for the Rehabilitation of Archaeological Monuments of great Importance in Crete Island and revealment of frescos (Wall Painting) of the early Cretan school (2007):

Donation of 25000 Euros to the victims of the 2010 Haiti 7.0 Mw earthquake
Donation of 6000 Euros to the 2005 tsunami victims (February 2005)
Donation of 2000 EUR to the victims of the 2003 earthquake of the town Bam in Iran


Bulletin Board

Get recognition for your reviews for WSEAS. The WSEAS participates now in the great program of Publons. Reviewers of WSEAS can contact us to learn how to update their profile in Publons with their Reviews in WSEAS.


Before the peer-review, each article in WSEAS Journals and Conferences are checked for possible plagiarism and self-plagiarism by Turnitin


Each published article in WSEAS has DOI by Crossref


 Google Scholar


WSEAS participates now in Semantic Scholar search engine


WSEAS Publication have digital preservation in Portico


WSEAS participates now in CNKI


Before the peer-review  and after the anti-plagiarism control by Turnitin, we check the names of the authors and their affiliations very carefully. We also check using Google Scholar  if they have published enough papers in the last 5 years.

What do the Authors say about publishing in our Journals

Prof. Nicholas Tritos from Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, joined us as Associate Editor in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine

Prof. V.R.Singh Fellow-IEEE/EMBS-IMS, Fellow IET, National Physical Laboratory, India, joined us as Associate Editor in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine

Prof. George Vachtsevanos, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, joined us as Co-Editor-in-Chief in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers


Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Rome, Italy


Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Salerno, Italy



Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Florence, Italy

Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Salerno, Italy
and from the Conference Excursion in Pompei

Prof. Paul G. Mezey, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Prof. Paul D. Sclavounos, MIT
Prof. George Vachtsevanos, GIT, USA

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