Conference Topics

Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:

Plasticity, Fracture, and Damage Mechanics
Mechanics of Nanomaterials
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Damage Identification and Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE)
Computational and Experimental Mechanics
Geomechanics and Mechanics of Granular Materials
Flows in Porous Media
Impact and Multibody Dynamics
Nonlinear Dynamics, Structural Dynamics and Control
Dynamic Instability and Buckling
Vibrations, Acoustics, and Noise Control
Manufacturing Processes
Advanced Materials and Smart Structures
Micro Electromechanically Systems (MEMS)
Transport Phenomena in Micro/Nanoscale
Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Turbulence and Multiphase Flows
Biomechanics and Biomaterials
Surface Engineering and Contact Mechanics
Heat and Mass Transfer
Compressible Flows
Theoretical and Experimental Statics
Dynamics, Structural Stability Analysis
Formation and Calculation of Metal Structures
Reinforced Concrete Structures
Prestressed ConcreteConcrete Technology
Strength of materials
Mechanics of structural materials
Material inconstancies during deformation
Static and dynamic analysis of beams, plates and shells
Elastic and inelastic behaviour
Theory of plasticity
Numerical methods for structural analysis
Finite element method
Static and dynamic earthquake-resistant analysis
Earthquake Engineering
Codes for earthquake-resistant design
Application of advanced computer methods in structural analysis
Theoretical treatment of the nonlinear behaviour of structures
Conventional and composite materials
Unilateral problems, nonsmooth structural analysis
Frictional unilateral contact problemsSemi-rigid steel connections
Boundary elements and algorithms for nonlinear and dynamic computations
Soil - structure interaction problems
Repair methods and behaviour of repaired concrete members
Earthquake-resistant structures
Calibration and evaluation of modern codes of practice
Numerical computation and design of
limit analysis properties of advanced composite materials
Adhesive joints in metallic structures
Application of the theory of fractals and neural networks in structural analysis
Properties of structural materials
Mixtures of usual and special concrete types
Properties of fresh and hardened concrete
Corrosion of steel elements
Properties of new composite materials
Building construction
Thermal insulation
Water proofing
Sound insulation
Fire safety engineering
Passive solar systems
Energy conscious design and solar exploitation in the buildings
Industrialised building Prefabrication
Architectural planning Institutional frame and applica
The structure, composition and natural features of geological formations
The programming, performance and interpretation of
laboratory/in-situ methods of soil research
Theoretical, experimental and applied soil mechanics
Soil dynamics and engineering seismology
Geotechnical seismic mechanics
Foundation of buildings and technical projects Retaining structures
Theoretical and applied rock mechanics
Soil structures, underground technical projects and dams
Landslides and soil protecting technical projects
Methods for soil improvement, geotextiles technology
Applied hydrogeology
Environmental engineering geology
Natural risks, environmental geotechnical engineering
Geoinformative and geodetic methods of measurements
Development and representation of space features for designing & planning
Control of technical projects & editing of relevant graphic & descriptional data bases and maps
The environment of methods
Measurements and applications of photointerpretation
Remote sensing and photogrammetry-geoinformation systems

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