To Whom it may Concern:
After 2020 we use the new site
Also, we have changed the articles of association: Instead of WSEAS "World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society", we are now WSEAS.
The term "World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society" is not used any longer and our new site is
Reason for change: The site was using a java servlet framework. It was an obsolete technology as well as a serious obstacle to Google crawler (also known as Googlebot). As you know the Google crawler is an automated program that navigates the internet, collecting information from web pages to add or update them in Google's index. But these changes could not be made on, because it would affect the URL of all the old articles so we preferred to go to the new site
Also, we would like to inform you the 100% of the WSEAS staff (even the secretariats) are currently with Ph.D. in Engineering, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Computer Science.
New Format for WSEAS Journals:
WSEAS has one of the more strict and robust academic peer review processes worldwide. WSEAS has launched a compulsory certification from all the authors and for all the papers in order to certify and authenticate that each accepted paper by the Editors-in-Chief is backed by a minimum of 3 reviewers' positive recommendation.
Authors must fill in and sign the following Certification - Evaluation for the Review Process:
We do not publish any paper without this Certification. After 2019, the Certifications are published together with the articles online.
Before the commencement of the Peer Review, organized by Editor-in-Chief or some Associate Editor, WSEAS makes a pre-screening quality control / review checking the following:
a) Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism avoidance control via Turnitin and iThenticate.
b) The English Language of the paper.
c) Affiliation of the prospective authors (i.e. Do they belong to a University or to a real company or to a real institute? can their university be identified? can their Academic URL be identified on the web? Do they use academic/professional email addresses? have they provided a phone number when they uploaded their paper? Does their IP, from where uploaded their paper, agree with their country?).
d) The References (i.e. Are the references adequate? Does the paper include references from the last 5 years? Can the references be traced easily via google, Do the references report the year of the publication?).
e) Are their indications that some prospective authors have not substantially contributed to the research?
For example a paper in Civil Engineering with an author from a surgery clinic in a Hospital.
Roughly, 20% of the papers are usually rejected in this pre-screening quality control / review checking. This acts as a first filtering which saves valuable time of the Reviewers and the Editors-in-Chief.
Since 1996, the WSEAS offers consistently high quality, line by line, thorough, rigorous, strict peer review process and very high editorial standards of care to its authors and readers. This page contains some comments from just a few of our authors about their experience of publishing with us:
If some authors feel that they have not received, at least, 3 positive opinions from 3 independent reviewers with strong peer review, they should not sign this form. All the Certifications - Evaluations of the Review Process for each paper are available to everybody after a simple request by email,
Peer Review and High Rejection Rates:
Here you can find databases containing all submitted articles to the WSEAS Journals for the recent years
You can see what papers have been accepted and what papers have been rejected.
Acceptance rates, which are approx 20%, can be found within.
List of Reviewers can be found here
What do the Authors say about publishing in our Journals
What do the Editors-in-Chief say about the review process in our Journals
Papers rejected from WSEAS, but accepted in IEEE, Springer, Hindawi etc
New Associate Editors, New Members in the Editorial Boards, New Guest Editors in Special Issues are welcome provided that the Advisory Board of WSEAS will approve them after peer review in their Biographies and checking their recent publications record in Scopus, EI Compendex, SCIE, ESCI, IET etc
New Reviewers are welcome provided that the Advisory Board of WSEAS will approve them checking their recent publications record in Scopus, EI Compendex, SCIE, ESCI, IET etc
WSEAS can sponsor financially or technically some conferences provided that
a) The Organizers/Chairmen of these Conferences are Professors in reputable Universities,
b) The Organizers/Chairmen of these Conferences have important academic records of recent publications record in Scopus, EI Compendex, SCIE, ESCI, IET etc, great participation in research projects and have supervised at least 1 Ph.D. dissertation
c) The Organizers/Chairmen of these Conferences will provide to the WSEAS the list of their reviewers (Names, Academic Affiliation, Academic Web Address, Phone, Academic Email),
d) The Organizers/Chairmen of these Conferences will provide to WSEAS the reviewers' comments of 20 papers randomly selected by the WSEAS from the conference program (as a sample),
e) The Deadlines of these Conferences do not generate concerns for the conference peer review.
Has WSEAS been ever engaged in Predatory Publishing Practices? In WSEAS, we believe (this the culture that we cultivate since 1996), that Journals and Conferences without peer review cannot survive for a long period and disappear soon. Even if they eventually manage some good indexing, the academic community cannot recognize them as serious and valid academic outlets. To run Journals and Conferences without peer review is the absolute craze and a clear suicide for publishers or societies. According Wikipedia, Predatory publishing, sometimes called write-only publishing or deceptive publishing, is an exploitive academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without checking articles for quality and legitimacy and without providing the other editorial and publishing services that legitimate academic journals provide, whether open access or not.
But, has WSEAS been ever engaged in Predatory Publishing Practices?
Absolutely, no.
Seem more details here
Research News
Automated Diagnosis of HV/LV Connection and Floating Gate Faults in VLSIs
Qing K. Zhu (USA)
A new methodology and CAD programs is presented to detect two serious faults in VLSI design: HV/LV connection faults and floating gate faults. A hierarchical circuit netlist is flattened in order to trace the connectivity of MOS devices in hierarchically designed circuits. Programs were coded in Python and table-look up techniques were used to speed up the program run [...]
Simulation of Quantum Interference and Non-Markovian Emission
Dynamics Induced by Localized Exciton-Polaritons
by Ioannis Thanopulos, Vasilios Karanikolas, Emmanuel Paspalakis (Greece)
The spontaneous emission dynamics of a V-type quantum emitter close to a molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanodisk is analyzed. The authors show that a MoS2 nanodisk leads to both high-degree quantum interference and non-Markovian dynamics in the spontaneous emission of the nearby quantum emitter [...]
Tuning Kalman Filter in Linear Systems
Jan Thore Lassen and Paolo Mercorelli (Germany)
Kalman filters are used in many different areas that require a solution to discrete-data linear filtering problems. Especially in the field of electric controls, Kalman filters represent a used approach and they are an integral part of many states of the art of electric controls [...]
UCWW intersystem
Ivan Ganchev (Ireland)
A Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) intersystem for future wireless networking is described, based on a novel generic Consumer-Based techno-business Model (CBM) that enables a loose dynamic (even casual) consumer-type association between mobile users (consumers) and service providers, based on a Third-Party provision of the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (3P-AAA) service [...]
A Comparison of Monotonic Correlation Measures with Outliers
Ahmed Alsayed, Giancarlo Manzi (Italy)
This paper aims at examining the performance of a recently proposed measure of dependence – the Monotonic Dependence Coefficient – MDC - with respect to classical monotonic correlation measures like Pearson’s r, Spearman’s ߩ ,and Kendall’s τ, using simulated outlier contaminated and non-contaminated data sets as well as a contaminated real dataset, considering three different cases. This comparison aims at checking how and when these coefficients detect dependence relationships between two variables when outliers are present [...]
Art Motif Similarity Measure Analysis: Fertile Crescent, Old European,
Scythian and Hungarian Elements in Minoan Culture
Peter Z. Revesz (USA)
Distance and similarity measures are presented for art motifs that can be applied to any pair of archaeological artifacts that contain complex art motifs. An art motif similarity analysis shows particularly strong connections of Minoan art with Fertile Crescent, Old European, Scythian and traditional Hungarian art [...]
Impacts of Industry 4.0 on Malaysian Manufacturing Industries
Lee Wan Yee, Tan Seng Teck, Shahryar Sorooshian (Malaysia, Sweden)
Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution which is the new era to the world. However, there are not enough academic knowledge about it. Also, Malaysian manufacturing industries have not enough awareness of the impact of it. Hence, the objective of this research is to identify the main impacts of Industry 4.0 on manufacturing industries in Malaysia[...]
Quantitative modeling with Petri nets: perspectives for
the target-based treatment of β-globin disorders
Mani Mehraei, Enver Bashirov (Russia, Turkey)
A novel approach proposed in this work for alleviating the severity of β-globin disorders is centered upon induction of γ-globin gene expression in fetal hemoglobin and reduction of free and toxic α-chains in adult hemoglobin. We use hybrid functional Petri nets in Snoopy framework to create quantitative model of fetal-to-adult hemoglobin switching network and validate its coherence with qPCR data available for existing target-based drug and gene therapies of β-globin disorders [...]
Water Management Using Population-Based Simulation-Optimization
Julian Scott Yeomans (Canada)
Water resources management (WRM) problems can often be dominated by inconsistent performance requirements and incompatible performance specifications that can be difficult to identify when supporting decision models must be constructed. Consequently, it is often advantageous to create a set of dissimilar options that provide distinct approaches to such problems [...]
A didactical electronic project for graduated students: Initiation to
autonomous navigation using a small-scale model electric car
Y. Ilam, T. Marie, Ph. Dondon (France)
Since many years, in the University ENSEIRB-MATMECA, electronic engineering school the authors have adopted a “learning by project” strategy, to improve motivation and knowledge appropriation for our students [...]
Two Elementary Problems of Shell Deformation in Plasticity
Ioannis Doltsinis (Germany)
The two problems of plastic deformation of membrane shells dealt with are, the expansion of a spherical shell by internal pressure, and the shaping of a dome out of a circular disk. The first problem is easily accessible to an analytical solution which overcomes the pressure maximum and establishes the relationship between the expanding sphere radius and the pertaining pressure in dependence of the hardening of the material. This case may be considered in some sense introductory to the second problem, where a flat circular disk, clamped along the periphery, is blown by pressure such that a dome is formed [...]
Numerical Simulation of Droplet Combustion using Volume-of-Fluid Method
Tadashi Watanabe (Japan)
The droplet combustion is simulated numerically. The Navier-Stokes equations and the energy conservation equations together with the combustion model equations are solved in the computational fluid dynamics framework using the volume-of-fluid method. The characteristics of temperature increase due to combustion are simulated well, and the effect of ambient flow is made clear. It is shown that the droplet shape is varying and the high temperature region spreads widely in the ambient flow. The internal vortex flow is found to be driven by the surface tension force [...]
Simulation of wave run-up by means of the exact solution
of the wet/dry Riemann problem
Marco Tamburrino, Giovanni Cannata (Italy)
An innovative method for the simulation of the hydrodynamics in the swash zone, related to the wave run-up phenomenon, is presented. This method applies the exact solution of the Riemann problem over a dry bed to correctly evaluate the celerity of water waves propagating over the shore, and so to precisely track the coastline location. The simulations of velocity and wave fields outside the surf zone, inside the surf zone and in the swash zone, are carried out by means of a numerical model which solves 3D motion equations expressed in integral form, with a vertical coordinate that varies in time in order to follow the free surface evolution [...]
Robust Denoising Method Based on Tensor Models
Decomposition for Hyperspectral Imagery
Salah Bourennane, Caroline Fossati (France)
In the hyperspectral images (HSI) acquired by the new-generation hyperspectral sensors the signal dependent noise is an important limitation to the detection or classification. Therefore, noise reduction is an important preprocessing step to analyze the information in the hyperspectral image (HSI). A signal dependent noise cannot be reduced by conventional linear filtering [...]
On the Collapse Behavior of a Wood Arch made with Modular Hollow Blocks
Dora Foti, Michela Lerna, Maria Francesca Sabbà, Vitantonio Vacca (Italy)
In the field of construction, wood products are known to have environmental benefits if compared with materials like steel and concrete, especially regarding the reduction of carbon emissions of the production line. Today, the wood-architecture is maintained and renewed by the marketing of components or pre-manufactured wooden frame elements. This research consists in the numerical study of a wooden arch behavior realized with hollow blocks. Initially, experimental tests have been performed on a full-scale arch model. The results of the load tests have been compared with three different FEM-analyses [...]
Comparative evaluation of GaN transistors and Si MOSFETs for use in inductive power transfer systems of biomedical implantable devices
Sotirios Kokosis, Eleni Gati, Nikolaos Patsourakis, Stefanos Manias (Greece)
Comparative evaluation of Si MOSFETs and GaN transistors is performed for utilization in the H-bridge Voltage Source Inverter of Inductive Power Transfer Systems, developed for biomedical applications. The evaluation is made on a 10W prototype wireless charger. Simulations and experiments are carried out within two different ranges of frequencies, for a wider investigation and a more complete assessment. The efficiency results show similar performance for the two types of devices for the lower range of frequencies, whereas the superiority of GaN transistors is evident in the higher range [...]
Modeling of Flatness-Based Control with Disturbance Observer-Based
Parameter Estimation for PMSM Drive
S. Sriprang, B. Nahid-Mobarakeh , N. Takorabet , P. Thounthong , S. Pierfederici , P. Kumam , N. Bizon and P. Mungporn (France, Thailand)
This research team presents in this WSEAS journal a modeling of nonlinear control with parameters identification for the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive. A resistance in series with an inductance and the conduction losses in semiconductor switching devices of inverters represented by vtq (=Rs*iq) as well as the torque load TL are going to be estimated by observer method based on extended Luenberger observer (LOB). The simulation and experimental results show the proposed control provides the rapid response and flat of the current control loop for the PMSM drive system [...]
Case Study on Geocoding Based Scheduling Optimization In
Supply Chain Operations Management
Steffen S. Rasmussen, Malleswara Talla, Raul Valverde (Denmark, Canada)
Traditional approach of ad-hoc geocoding for required addresses is quite time consuming and inefficient. In this paper, we propose and examine that the company-wide operations and addresses be geo-coded and stored in a database. As a case study, a geographical database is created for a company with primary focus to optimize operations management. This is done by storing the address information, the road network and a matrix containing time and distances to every address in the database. This approach prevents a lot of potential errors with ad hoc geocoding because every address is looked up in the database. The same goes for the time and distance matrix. Because the time and distances are stored for the distance between every address, no computations are needed at runtime [...]
Omnidirectional source modeling for ray tracing in room
acoustics with specular reflection
Benoit Beckers (France)
The aim of this work is to show that the use of a ray tracing method based on stratified Monte Carlo with cells of equal area and equal aspect ratio gives the most convincing results in room acoustic simulation. It is compared with three other methods: the first one is very close but simply uses equal area cells, the second one is a Monte Carlo importance sampling and the last one is a standard Monte Carlo where the values of the spherical coordinates of the rays are generated randomly [...]